
Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

traditional vehicles Indonesia

Traditional & Modern Public Transport in Jakarta
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Bright orange and noisy ... easily describes a bajaj.
These traditional transportation vehicles became
 popular in India where they were developed with
 Vespa and later imported to and built in Indonesia.
 Similar vehicles are known as rickshaw in Africa,
Tuk-Tuk in Thailand and MotoTaxi in Peru.
With an estimated 20,000 bajaj in Jakarta,
 it is evident they are very popular here too!
Bajaj seat two passengers comfortably
and up to five passengers - depending on
the size of the passenger of course.
Their areas of operation are limited to one
 mayoralty in the city. On the side of the
 driver's doors you'll see a big circle
in which the area is designated ...
Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Pus
at, etc., with a different color for each mayoralty.
 The drivers are not allowed to go out of their
 area and aren't allowed onto many main roads,
 so routes may be a bit circuitous.
Fare determination is by bargaining. It's always
 best to ask an Indonesian what they would pay
for a trip to a particular destination from your
 point of departure, and then bargain and pay
A ride in a bajaj is hot, utilizing "AC alam" -
or nature's air conditioning. The ride will also
be noisy, smelly (car and bus fumes), bumpy,
harrowing, and a grand adventure. My favorite
maneuver is when the bajajdriver decides to flip
 a u-turn in the middle of the road.
There is some protection from the rain, unless it's
blowing hard. You'd think you'd have to be careful
about robbery since the vehicle is so open - but it's
not as common as robberies in buses. Having said
all that ... bajajare extremely convenient in many
 areas of Jakarta for a short drive.
Te government has been trying to replace bajaj with
kancil, a new 4-wheel transportation. Police sweeps in
2012 have been aimed at getting the older, non-licensed
bajaj off the road. (read more)

Indonesian traditional cuisine

Acehnese Traditional Cake : Timphan.

Durian and Banana Leaf.

Do you know? Aceh is the place which attacked by Tsunami in 6 six years ago. And Acehnese have one special cake which only served in their big day like Idul Fitri or idul Adha. The taste of Timphan
is sweet, because they mix durian extract withsugar, flour and egg. the mixing called srikaya.

Timphan always wrapped in banana leaf. Acehnese boiled the banana leaf and smear it with oil so the mixing inside it won't stick to the leaf. This cake always be a favorite dish because it just appears twice in a year.

Minangkabau : Spicy Beef, Rendang.

Spicy and tasty.

variety of dances Indonesia

alive and well
in Jakarta

Image Courtesy by PERIPLUS

The cultures of Central Java, the source of art, music and dance, remains prevalent in Jakarta, representing much of what little most outsiders know of Indonesia. An important example of Javanese culture is the highly stylizedwayang. This traditional puppet theater is based on the Hindu Ramayana and Mahabarata epics, combined with themes from Javanese folklore. Wayang is used to teach morals as well as to entertain, and is seen as a highly influential popular art form for spreading morality and social criticism.

Many politicians and successful businessmen are seen as dalang, the skilled men who control the puppets in wayang performances. Life in Indonesia has a way of working much like the plots of all-night wayang performances - slowly and with many unpredictable twists and turns.

Essential to a wayang performance is the gamelan orchestra, a set of bronze gongs and other percussion instruments including a xylophone, a type of two stringed violin and a flute or two. It may take some getting used to but, the sound of the gamelan, in both its Javanese and Balinese forms, has been compared to "liquid moonlight".

Wayang Orang (Dance Drama)The stories of the Javanese Wayang Wong or Wayang Orang dance drama usually relate episodes of the Mahabarata and Ramayana Hindu Epics.

The Bharata Theater performs the Wayang Wong dance drama every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evening. The performances start at 8.15 p.m. and last till about midnight.

KetoprakAn offshoot of the Wayang Wong dance drama is the modern popular Javanese theater which takes its stories from popular folk legends and from history. Like the Wayang Wong, the Ketoprak show is accompanied by gamelan music but is simpler in costume and dialogue. Performances can be seen in Jakarta at the Bharata Theatre every Monday and Thursday evening, beginning at 8.00 p.m.

Traditional Indonesian Dances
Performances of traditional Indonesian dances from the various regions are on stage in Jakarta at Taman Mini (Indonesia in Miniature Park) every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 14.00 p.m. and at the Ancol Art Market every Saturday evening or Sunday morning.

Wayang Kulit (Leather Puppet Shadow Play)
Wayang Kulit, the leather puppet shows, are performed every second and last Saturday night of the month at the Central Museum in Jakarta.

The Wayang Museum in Fatahillah Square in downtown Jakarta stages abbreviated versions of the wayang kulit every Sunday morning. The performances last about one hour. (read more)

Endangered Animals of Indonesia

Endangered Animals of Indonesia

Endangered Animals of Indonesia thumbnail
Only 60 Javan rhinos remain in the wild.
Although Indonesia contains Asia’s most extensive tropical rainforests, the nation has lost 26 percent of its primary forest since the 1990s. Wildlife struggles to find habitat in the face of logging, mining and agriculture, especially oil-palm plantations.
  1. Gibbons

    • On Kalimantan and Sumatra, three subspecies of agile gibbons suffer decline due to habitat loss. Siamang gibbons struggle for habitat and are taken from the wild to be sold as pets.

    Asian Golden Cat


    • Indonesia’s islands house a hippopotamus relative, the babirusa, though it looks more like a pig. It is hunted for meat and often shot by farmers if raiding their fields.

    Javan Rhinoceros

    • With only 60 left, the Javan rhinoceros is one of the most endangered animals on Earth. Indonesia’s Ujung Kulon National Park protects the species.

    Wondiwoi Tree Kangaroo

    • Wondiwoi tree kangaroo are critically endangered and might already be extinct. No one has reported a sighting in recent years. Hunting has been the primary source of their decline.
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  • Photo Credit Anup Shah/Photodisc/Getty Images


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Read more: Endangered Animals of Indonesia | eHow.com (read more)