Endangered Animals of Indonesia
Although Indonesia contains Asia’s most extensive tropical rainforests, the nation has lost 26 percent of its primary forest since the 1990s. Wildlife struggles to find habitat in the face of logging, mining and agriculture, especially oil-palm plantations.
- On Kalimantan and Sumatra, three subspecies of agile gibbons suffer decline due to habitat loss. Siamang gibbons struggle for habitat and are taken from the wild to be sold as pets.
Asian Golden Cat
- Named for its shiny reddish-brown coat, Sumatra’s Asian, or Temmnick’s, golden cat hunts for habitat while it is hunted for its fur.
- Indonesia’s islands house a hippopotamus relative, the babirusa, though it looks more like a pig. It is hunted for meat and often shot by farmers if raiding their fields.
Javan Rhinoceros
- With only 60 left, the Javan rhinoceros is one of the most endangered animals on Earth. Indonesia’s Ujung Kulon National Park protects the species.
Wondiwoi Tree Kangaroo
- Wondiwoi tree kangaroo are critically endangered and might already be extinct. No one has reported a sighting in recent years. Hunting has been the primary source of their decline.
- Photo Credit Anup Shah/Photodisc/Getty Images
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Read more: Endangered Animals of Indonesia | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/facts_5584897_endangered-animals-indonesia.html#ixzz2ATQxxilS (read more)
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