
Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

traditional vehicles Indonesia

Traditional & Modern Public Transport in Jakarta
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Bright orange and noisy ... easily describes a bajaj.
These traditional transportation vehicles became
 popular in India where they were developed with
 Vespa and later imported to and built in Indonesia.
 Similar vehicles are known as rickshaw in Africa,
Tuk-Tuk in Thailand and MotoTaxi in Peru.
With an estimated 20,000 bajaj in Jakarta,
 it is evident they are very popular here too!
Bajaj seat two passengers comfortably
and up to five passengers - depending on
the size of the passenger of course.
Their areas of operation are limited to one
 mayoralty in the city. On the side of the
 driver's doors you'll see a big circle
in which the area is designated ...
Jakarta Barat, Jakarta Pus
at, etc., with a different color for each mayoralty.
 The drivers are not allowed to go out of their
 area and aren't allowed onto many main roads,
 so routes may be a bit circuitous.
Fare determination is by bargaining. It's always
 best to ask an Indonesian what they would pay
for a trip to a particular destination from your
 point of departure, and then bargain and pay
A ride in a bajaj is hot, utilizing "AC alam" -
or nature's air conditioning. The ride will also
be noisy, smelly (car and bus fumes), bumpy,
harrowing, and a grand adventure. My favorite
maneuver is when the bajajdriver decides to flip
 a u-turn in the middle of the road.
There is some protection from the rain, unless it's
blowing hard. You'd think you'd have to be careful
about robbery since the vehicle is so open - but it's
not as common as robberies in buses. Having said
all that ... bajajare extremely convenient in many
 areas of Jakarta for a short drive.
Te government has been trying to replace bajaj with
kancil, a new 4-wheel transportation. Police sweeps in
2012 have been aimed at getting the older, non-licensed
bajaj off the road. (read more)

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